Typical smear and in the gutter type tactics of Pedicini because his candidate April Culbreath has a record that disqualifies her from holding any public office: multiple suspensions without pay over a long period of time while a Deputy Sheriff; a Vote of NO Confidence by the members of the Manatee County Republican Executive Committee for her abysmal lack of leadership;NO experience that remotely is linked to the position of County Commissioner; minimal education (lacks understanding of County budgets); makes campaign claims that have nothing to do with the position of County Commissioner (illegal immigration; border security; stopping inflation as examples)….and last but certainly not least is a Developer Puppet candidate…

Culbreath — awful person— terrible candidate…

Vote NO on Culbreath!!

Vote for Tal Siddique!!

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Tal never claimed to be a uniformed serviceman. He did software and IT for the Air Force as a civil service employee. The ads that I have seen at least if not more than six times this morning it fake. Tal never committed stolen valor.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

My Dad was an Air Force civil service worker like Siddique. He was a Democrat also... just sayin'

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If you click on the link above therealapril.org, it takes you to the youtube ad against Siddique. Might want to change that. Also, if you google therealapril.org, it does not seem to exist.

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Thanks, that has been corrected.

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